Love! And The Burden We Add To It.

Almost every individual on this breathing planet is seeking ‘Love’- in some form or the other. This has been intrinsically the most fundamental construct of a living heart, a conscious heart.

Love~ Some find it; some never do, some keep chasing it, some invalidate it, ridicule it, some merely reject it, some deny it!

And Some, they courageously live with it, all-through- by acknowledging, learning and evolving with each other’s construct. 


One may deftly say, without getting into the nuance of it; That Love, primarily is one of the most transcending and powerful human emotion!

Transcending and powerful? Some would say how come?!

We will get there, but let’s first discuss this;

Do you really believe there are some hallmarks of a true love, true relationship?!

And if there are, the more relevant question is;

Are hallmarks some sort of magic wand!?

Well, if only, life and relationship were an outcome of a successful laboratory experiment, we would had some optimal formulae, some optimal ingredients for it.

But this is obviously not the case!

Life and a relationship is not an outcome of some controlled experiments. If it were, we would have never cared to acknowledge epitomes of true relationships and true love because then everyone would have been in one already- crafted and tailored for them!

The truth is, yes, hallmarks are there! We have hallmarks for life’s all walks, including a true and organic relationship. But to inculcate and consciously practice these, ‘one’ has to be present in it- with mind, body and senses! And in true relationships, not just one, but it essentially requires two to tango!

There is precisely this one thing that makes a true relationship work- That one thing being One’s sincere intent and act of mindful presence in it and being there for each other, even in the slightest possible manner. Some positive intent, some positive energy has to be there! And may be, may be this is the only hallmark that is there, that actually and effectively works before everything else. ~Think about it!

When two individuals are mindfully present for each other, there are certain organic stimulations ‘responsible’ individuals in love and relationship exude between each other.

Of course, this necessarily doesn’t hold true for every human in a relationship, but in any organic relationship, the individuals are mostly and instinctively guided by their emotions, especially when it is an emotional burst of fear or anger. But, as soon as an individual’s quotient of Love and “understanding” of a true relationship kicks in, that individual transcends into a horizon of compassion and benevolence~ manifesting Love being one of the most transcending and powerful human emotion! (Correct me if i am wrong.)

Usually, i kind of find it selfish and practically boring to define Love to someone in general, even though my limbic system (the part of brain where we process our emotional and behavioral responses) gets activated just with the word ‘Love’, which is of course, is quite on display as you are already witnessing it right now.

But, Why i refrain though? For two very basic reasons.

First, You, me and people in general experience, respond and feel about love differently. (Don’t We?!)

Second, Love tends to change over time. Let’s not discuss the contextual and the quantum of the change. It’s vast and requires elaborate and separate addressal.

But, But, But…, Let’s battle this crazy big thing called Love and try to define the very basic of it anyway. Okay?

Love is Beautiful. Love is Magical.
Love is a Euphoria. Love is the essence of being hopelessly hopeful!

Love is not an instant pleasure! Not an impermanent one either.

Love is a journey of life, journey of feelings.

Love is a journey of collective human emotions and spirit.

And in the organic framework of life’s complex maze, Love for two individuals in love with each other, is essentially a state of ecstasy.

But at times, this same love brings a state of deepest dejection as well. 

You must be thinking i am such an anti-love soul to say so! Are you thinking so??

Well, i am certainly not. I root and hoot for Love. All the time!

Okay, let’s get back to the topic!

You might be wondering, a dejection? For whom? And How it can be a dejection?!

Well, for at least one of the individual in a relationship or may be for both the sweethearts at a given time.

Okay, one serious question;

Have you ever contemplated how much you love your Sweetheart?

Your significant other?

May be the more effective and universal question should be;

Do we actually love our significant other the way we love ourselves? Or anywhere around it?!

The thing is, most of the time we believe we are in love, is not because we unconditionally love “someone”. It’s because we inherently love ourselves more. We believe more in the idea, the notion of being in love and how this idea, how this notion floats us in ecstasy of our life!

It’s usually and mostly about ourselves.

It’s about how it excites us, how it drives us.

It’s about how it makes us happy, how it puts us in a state of euphoria.

Sometimes it’s all about how it triggers us with some set of negative emotions and how we personally feel about it and respond around it.

And in those moments, we are naturally more considering and fixated on ourselves.

The feelings and emotional longings of our own partner takes a backstage- at least at that moment of our mental space!

For us the feeling of being in love is mostly proportional to how it makes ‘us’ or our individual self feel at certain given time, or let’s say all the time, to put it in a perspective!

The tricky part here is, most of the time we are convinced internally, that all these set of our nuclear behavior is distinctively about and due to the exact same person we are in love with!

Is it so?!

No. This is not the reality. When you intrinsically think about it on a personal level, it is more about our own self.

It’s all driven by our innate instinct of- How someone else makes us feel! But seldom about how we make that ‘someone’ and that ‘significant’ person feel and believe in their being and their life in general- Through our actions, our words and behavioral attitude! (Do you understand what it means? )

And there, there we enormously fail to play the loving and supportive partner. There we eventually and effortlessly add burden to our love!

The question arises, How do we burden Love?! How do you think You and I burden the Love?

By, “Virtually yet effectively burdening it with too much one sided expectations, responsibilities, And absence of emotional reciprocations at crucial junctures”!

And steadily by the ways we say things, we do things, the ways we behave, the ways we react or simply don’t react, the ways we communicate or simply don’t, et cetera!

Practically, everything that is devoid of our conscious connection with our partner adds up inadvertently in the functioning of our relationships, resulting in the dejection and emotional burden added to respective partners.

So how do we not burden our love?

I believe, by simply trying to understand and inculcate the basic tenets of nurturing a relationship. By doing and extending very simple things for our partner, you and i would want for ourselves in a relationship.

See, In reality, with all those great avenues of feelings and delight that we experience through the presence of someone special in our life , True Love essentially requires work and a combination of extended reflection and reciprocations- from both the ends. It’s not some formulae but actually the way of raising a relationship.

It’s about having the consciousness of establishing something more meaningful and fulfilling for the respective partner, and not just accepting the ‘status quo’ of a toneless relationship.

It’s about discovering and having an understanding of what active and objective wellbeing means for our respective partner and at the same time, engaging in the details of promoting well being for him/her, without being conflicted between the priorities and myriad obligations of our own individual life and it’s well being.

Well, this all sounds like too much work! But that’s the intricacy and beauty of true relationships. It needs what it needs!

And, if we think about it on broader horizon, this is the kind of benevolence true lovers, true partners need, and should extend to each other in their day to day lives and thus allow nurturing a ground for both to grow and thrive and be there for each other, in love and in time!

I am not an expert on Love things, in fact i think i have dealt with this very vast yet sensitive topic in a very superficial way, or may be, in a way, i was able to put the heart of it, i am not sure.

But yeah, certainly one thing is sure, this is how in time, space and among people, i have started to learn and absorb everything about love and true relationships in general. And there’s no time or age limit to learn and rectify our ways of handling relationships even if it calls for some meaningful changes in our own being.

So, Yeah, Do Not Burden Your Love.

Do Not Burden The Love.

Just Be In Love. Be There For Each Other.

Just Be There! In Love. In Ways And In Time.

Now, when i am about to end this piece of my thoughts, i have a more pertinent question on my mind, the question being,-
Why do we tend to burden the Love?!

May be due to lack of organic communication between the two sweethearts?! Communication of all sorts? Not engaging in the extended reflection and reciprocation part of being in a relationship??

What do you say? What do You think??

Well, whatever it is, a true organic relationship always requires a serious work from each of us who claim and feel to be in love and inherently want to be in love and loved!

So, Please Work it. Please Work it out! ~A home without Love is an empty home!

Hope You have engaging conversations with yourself and the one you Love.

Cheers!! 🙂

#Stay Spirited. #Always.


The light in me is dancing

Over the edges of my ignited soul

Mirroring the effervescent light of hers

Over the futuristic contours of time and verticals

And the moment we engulf into each other

The moment we embrace our animated souls

We will be a firefly, a firefly

Twirling on the timeless melodies of love

We will be a firefly, a firefly

Twinkling in the eternal conversations of life

We will be a firefly, a firefly

Enveloping our souls over the spirit of life

Dancing in the journey to the stars

We will be a firefly, a firefly.

©Naman Prakash.

PS. They say, a Home without Love is an empty Home and all the material goods cannot replace it, so Dear, Twirl and Twinkle in Love, In Life-with Love!


Image Credit: Pinterest.

Whisper Your Strengths!

Ever felt drowning in the pain of waiting?!

Waiting for your soul to dance in the echo of enigmatic, eternal bliss!?

A pain so deep into your conscience, massively erect and poking fun out of your existence, like a rainbow of clowns hanging upside down, vehemently smiling at you?!

In case it does occur to you, bother not !

Just vehemently smile and wink back and swiftly Whisper…,

“I am a Superhero – My emotions empower me unfettered” 🙂

The pain, the waiting might not bubble out instantly, but those clowns would definitely fade in the stellar clouds of confetti and glitters of the spirited mind, the spirited soul. ✨ 🙂

Whisper Your Strengths..

Whisper Your Strengths…✨✨

PS. It’s been more than an year now, i started writing here, something initiated to explore my own webs and castles of thoughts, something i initiated to expand my realms of understanding and express the vastness i feel and observe in life’s every day’s struggle, learning, bliss, wisdom and yet the accompanying failures. And to be true, this journey of exploration and self expressions worked out amazingly constructive for me – I have grown stronger in my thoughts, my visions and my ability to perceive and express things with clarity and wisdom, which i certainly had hard times in expressing them before these blogs existed .

I remember, i did struggle initially writing in here, as for me personally, it was always one thing to think and just another uphill task to pen down something with the same expression, vigor and strength as it had generated in my mind in the first place.

In-fact, i still stumble. And i guess that’s okay.. 🙂

It’s okay to be surrounded by so much and yet feel the vacuum inside. If not me, who else will feel the heat inside-outside of me?! Same goes for you ! I guess.

What’s really important is to have the courage and urge to pour out every drop of sanity, to bleed our constructive thoughts into affirmative actions. And i believe that’s the way to push our limits, to test our understanding and to sharpen our belief only to strengthen our core and hence the outcomes.

So, when you feel drowned in waiting and weighed down in it’s continuous sufferings, don’t give up, just don’t surrender -not then, not there! Instead take a moment, breathe and collect all of you that truly defines ‘You’,  and surge ahead courageously! 

When we own our failures and all the shortcomings that we never accounted for, we become a better person”.

And when we “whisper our strengths and strive to work harder to defeat the demons in our path, We win.”

“WE WIN BIG !! ”

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.

Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” 🙂

It’s not a philosophy, it’s not a shortcut mantra, but it does add a spark in our willed heart to fight life’s umpteen battles.

Hope it ignites your enthusiasm. 🙂

Stay Safe, Stay motivated..!! Keep exploring and never stop evolving in your own vastness..!! 🙃

Until next time,

Naman Prakash 🙏.

Love Sense

Dear, Men and Women,

Lovers of all kind!

We all seek constant notion of happiness through Love,

We all desire a constant inkling of attention,

From our respective partners, significant others,

Or call it whatever we may please-in,

But, Dear Oh Dear,

A true Love is a constant work!

A constant creation of sense of commitment,

To let it grow organically,

To let each other grow organically

And be there for each other.

No matter what!

It’s about saying, I Love You to say I am Here…,

Every day, Every time, all our life.

If we seek love and to be loved,

Every One of us,


Let’s work it out and embrace our respective significant others,

Like we work it out with ourselves,

Like we embrace ourselves,

With all of our rights and with all our wrongs,

With all our highs, with all our lows!

Dear oh Dear,

Love has no shape..!

Love is as vast as the expanding universe,

And, Love is fleetingly as shiny as a bubble.

We all create love on your own perceptions and belief,

And we all destroy Love on our own convenience and inconveniences. 🙃

Yes, We the Men and the Women,

Lovers of all kind,

Let’s nourish the love we create,

And Love will embrace us all,

Like The Love embraces itself.

And Love shall never stop growing on US!

This is purely and effectively,



Where there is a positive intent,

There comes an effective effort,

And, where there is an effective effort,

There flourishes a Love Sense! A Love Sense!



Image:  Google.

Calling Into The Universe..!

Through the ambages of Life’s great maze,

I am calling for the new directions;

The ones leading me to the definite, but glorious paths.

I am in need of new words, and their invigorating meanings;

The ones i have known for years, resonate little lesser.

I am in need of some profound yet effective thinking;

The nebulous ones, only smother the light in me.

I am in need of continuous pragmatic learnings;

The ones i have learnt over the years require some vigorous learning curves.

And as i brave through this life’s great maze..,

I am calling for an absolute growing love;

The ones i have had, were a mere virtual reflection of it.

And here I am, On a desperate Calling,

The Calling Into The Universe,

And everything amassing it.

I am done being a lifeless Asteroid;

I am done being a mercurial Meteorite..!

For here, I am seeking an enormous Life in my Being.

And Yet, I am ready for the organic fall after the great subsequent growth…!

Through the ambages of Life’s great maze;

I am Calling Into The Universe..!

I am Calling Into The Universe…!!

©®Naman Prakash.
Image Courtesy:

Being A Man!

“I Always Thought It Was Me Against The World And Then One Day I Realized It’s Just Me Against Me.”

Kendrick Lamar.

I have dedicated this post to every individual man, including myself; Who struggles within, and yet realizes, learns and tries to be a better version of himself.

Every single day!

Being A Man!

So what ideas came in your mind when you read the heading?!

Plenty. And kind of established ones. Kind of you know it all. Isn’t it?!

Like, It’s about Men. And, “Men will be Men”, Right?!

The thing is, It’s not right. There is a problem.

We already have a very generalized ‘definition’ about a man.

And with this extreme generalized environment, being a Man is tough. Nothing ordinary!

Almost every man has to face this already generalized definition of himself before anyone could actually know him – Doesn’t matter if that particular individual man is bad or he is actually a good one! A real one.

Can you feel the strain?

This is not true in case of a Woman though! ( Is it?! )

But this piece is neither about A Man Vs A Woman nor about putting a notion, that being a woman is otherwise easy. No. It’s not!

Yeah, being a woman is certainly beautiful. And this could be accepted in all it’s universality if we take the whole womanhood in consideration. Right ?!

But being a man is a struggle. Any given day.

Ironically and interestingly, the architect of this struggle has been the men themselves. Mostly. 

They have long been busy designing and at the same time damaging the core notion around manhood since the dawn of civilization – by somewhat instilling the wrong perspectives about their own humane potentials; by crafting and inculcating rigid ideas of how and what a man must be made of.

So A man of modern era has a huge battle to fight and conquer for himself.

A man may conquer a million men in a battle

but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the

greatest of conquerors.


Only if, conquering ‘oneself’ was easy!

Apparently, it’s not and requires a lot of grit to get even started.

Though, conquering a battle still seems relatively easier.

Being a man myself, i remember, i grew up witnessing all the societal and it’s bumbled idea of a man – the hollow perspective like in what ways a man must always act manly, a man must not be vulnerable; he has to act stoic and never let his guard down! Etcetera.

These ideas are evidently prevalent.

Over the time, these rigid fundamental themes, i believe have done more harm than any good to the men in general in how they shape up, how they interact with the fellow men and women, mentally and emotionally or without it.

Through time in ages, i started learning and understanding my own emotional, physical and biological responses in sync with the fickle yet evolving mind, and to be honest, initially that whole experience did flyby into some utopian world, and had all been fun but crazy.

Those were the time of relentless boyhood.

Transitioning into a Man, steadily, was and is still altogether an uphill task. I would say, it has been a challenging build of self into a man.

The boy in me steadily started harnessing consciousness out of my conscience.

The boy in me, growing around nefarious mindset, unkempt knowledge – steadily started acknowledging the growing consciousness in me; reasoning the prevailing beliefs, paying attention to the mind and feeling through the core of my heart, and acting in sync of both, the heart and the mind. Mostly!

Though, I did struggle. I still do- A lot. I stumble. I make mistakes, sometimes i am terribly wrong too. But these don’t make me less humane and unreal. I yearn to learn, through my own vastness of good and the bad- and everything this beautiful world inspires me with.

But, it’s not about trying to be perfect, it’s about acknowledging the flaws, it’s about being reasonable and honest about my shortcomings and putting a firm mindset to swiftly work on them. True, it will take time. But every beautiful things take time to reach there, to become beautiful. Right?

And when i think about it all, it appears to me, may be i am on a constant conquest to conquer my own rhythm of the heart and mind, and the combination of both.

Remember what The Lord Buddha suggested?!

A man may conquer a million men in a battle

but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the

greatest of conquerors.

Something, i feel, “Everyone should yearn for..!”

In the process, i have learned, becoming a real man needs a constant practice, it’s an affirmative struggle.

It certainly gets tougher, when your heart echoes it’s worth.

I acknowledged, Being a man becomes challenging when the heart syncs with your mind and takes your conscience for a swift ride, rebelling against the general ‘notion’ of being a man.

Notions like,

” Men will be Men (Aka Boys will be Boys) “

This particular phrase carries myriad interpretations, but mostly carrying the high toned pseudo masculinity; suggesting and steadily enforcing an idea that it’s okay to allow men/boys with their mistakes and their toxic understanding about themselves and everything else.

This notion had been problematic, in it’s manifestation and subsequently in it’s promotion. For the men and the women equally! And in general how we have grown as a society across geographies!

So Men and Women in general, And we the men specifically, are required to be sensitive and effective around how we perceive and grow with certain toxic ideas. We must acknowledge and positively work it out!

” All men are terrible and heartless creatures. They don’t feel any pain, they don’t feel broken-hearted or miserable. “

“All men!” You see the basic problem here? Generalization.

Not All men. Not all of them for sure. “Some” men are terrible.

World would not have grown much if all men and women were same.

And yes, men do feel pain, miserable and heartbroken as much as and sometimes more than their contemporary women.

I can be terribly wrong at times, but i am not a terrible man. I am not heartless either. I feel pain, for myself and others as well. Sometimes i feel miserable and sometimes i have been literally and miserably heartbroken- You know that sink-your-heart-deep kind of feelings?! What i do then? What i can do best! I acknowledge it and i be honest about it, in my being- Inside and Outside. I inhale the feel. I exhale the feel. Doesn’t help, but this is it. 🙂 

“A man doesn’t go through sexual assaults. He does not live through betrayals as much as women do.”

This is a myth that needs to be addressed more actively.

Though historically men have used sexual violence to subjugate women and is still prevalent but sexual assault can happen to anyone, irrespective of the gender and age. Though men in general have to go through some real challenges because of the general social attitude and stereotypes around them and their masculinity.

Betrayals and assaults don’t happen by evaluating genders and age. Period.

” A man thinks only through his other Head – the other head being his dick”

You think you know all of them- All of the men? That would be weird if you do!

“One should not categorize the whole kind”, It’s not fair.

A man can be flawed. But he can be as receptive, sensible, sensitive, responsible, affectionate, loving, compassionate and conscientious as the other human gender. In Fact, sometimes, all of it and more than a particular and respective woman. I know such Men. 🙂

“A man has to remain tough, push his feelings aside, in order to stay manly”


No Man should do that.

Dear Men, you don’t live on an Island all by yourself.

A real man stays manly enough when he gets vulnerable and yet he has an empathetic heart and remains truly strong in his character and puts his heart into almost everything he does.

“All men are dogs”

“Really?!” Where did this even come from?!

This generalization and labeling is fundamentally all so wrong on so many levels. Dear women, please refrain doing this.

Being a man is tough.

Especially, when you’re a man with an active brain, a conscious mind, an empathetic heart.

It gets tougher when your heart learns to express through all sorts of it’s human experiences, syncs with the rhythm of brain and dances to the feel of life’s all brutality and chaos.

Yes, Being a man is tough when he stumbles, make mistakes and yet feels deeply, yearns to learn, expresses himself with compassion and fervor and stays benevolent enough to respect and remain available to the myriad struggles of his own loved ones – Men or Women.

Being a man is tough when he’s consciously aware of his flaws and failings.

Being a man is tough and is struggling when he’s scared and vulnerable around his insecurities.

Being a man is tough when he acknowledges his weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Tougher when he endures all the pain courageously, yet puts all the faith and commitments for the life ahead.

Being a real man is tough.. Any given day.

Being a man – Being a Real Man- It’s a struggle. It’s a Journey. And all a real man needs is another compassionate heart to embrace him. -A compassionate heart of fellow men and women.

At the end, a huge shout out to all the Men who think and act through the conscious melody of their heart and mind.

A huge shout out to all the women who hold on and walk side by side of these men. We Are, Because You Are there for us. And we should stand for each other, for a better world, better society.

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be.

Be one.”

-Marcus Aurelius.


Be Safe. Be Kind. Be Humane.

Stay Spirited. #Always.

Rescue Humanity With Love..❣️😊

Image courtesy: Google. (Main source unresponsive)

If you feel like, you can read my musings on ” Woman- A Full Circle”.

Link. Woman- A Full Circle

Feel free to connect and comment. 🙂

Woman- A Full Circle

Dear Reader(s),
First of all a huge smile for all the women reading this. A smile filled with great reverence and admiration…!! Cheers to all of you spirited souls..!! 🙂

A Great and Happy woman’s Day – “Today” and for the next three hundred and sixty five days – year after year ! 🙂

Though, to be honest, i wonder, why a separate woman’s day?! Why , when in reality it’s been always far stretched a-concept without concrete shift in ideology, mindset and ground-work to bring some affirmative change ?!
No! Not at all i am trying to throw some cliches here. Deep down you too know, it’s just another day in thick skulls out there. Don’t you?!
Metaphorically, We always have associated women with the Nature as in by addressing the Earth as “Mother Earth” ! True by intentions, it stays metaphorically only!

An Analogy worth mentioning…,

International Woman’s day & International Earth Day!

What’s the correlation ?!

We just Exploit both of them! Without mercy, without being considerate. Without transcending the reverence they always have deserved.

My theme of deliberation here is to interrelate Woman and Earth! Think Think !!
Okay, some might call it over emphasizing or some might say what’s the connection, they both need separate addressing! True, that is the whole point of interrelating both.
If i am sane, i think woman and our precious planet, the earth, have intrinsically and fundamentally almost same characteristics..

How so ?!

“A Woman and The Earth is a full circle

within them, there is power to create

ability to nurture and eternal will to transform..”

– What say?! Does any one differ?! 🙂

And if i am not insane, i would ask you, ‘Don’t they have the power to destroy too?!’

“We all know the wrath of a Woman & The earth” ! “Smile”

I think they should merge The Earth day and Woman’s day, or celebrate both of them twice! Would that bring some change or impact?! ……?!

I personally think that could be an effective initiative to educate the young minds, effectively inculcating and nourishing the growing mindset, with positive and informative curriculum.

What do you think?!

But it’s not about the day and it’s celebration only.

It’s about how we are growing intuitively and transforming socially with this! Are We?!

Beyond Science and the theory of evolution – Beyond the bare bone understanding of the social fabrications of civilizations and it’s thousands misogynist succession: Let’s make an interpretation and allow me to ask you..,

Do You believe in God, and the divine creations?! Do You love and revere(fear) the almighty?! 🙂

Now, if you do, then how about a hypothesis that woman is actually the ‘divine’ architecture of The God, The Universe itself ?!
I mean, for all the believers, it could be put this way, that The God, that enigmatic something might have thought someday, in the initial phase of complex worldly creation, “I could not be everywhere physically at the same time, so lets create someone who can create, nurture and transform – Someone neither inferior nor superior to men, but far more capable and expansive than men.., someone, like A Woman” .
That could be a perspective, right?? To bring depth into the purpose of celebrating this particular day and honoring the being of this Vital Force ,”Woman” ?? Couldn’t it be ?! 🙂

Dear Men, don’t thump your chest, you can not beat this one. (LOL)
Do you find any other vital force as vast and infinite as a woman?? Please enlighten if you do. 🙂

Well, in all this, my point is simple, either one follows any established or non-established interpretations, Woman and her being certainly needs a broader acknowledgement, not just to revere her in flesh and bones only, but to realize hers far greater participation too!
Woman’s day is not just a dedicated day to celebrate “The woman” and her being, in all shapes and shades – But it’s also a day to remind, we as a society, are still struggling to acknowledge the true spirit of celebrating this day!

We don’t need ‘Woman’s Day’ only to pretend the pseudo power and significance of Womanhood just for this day alone.

This needs acceptance, rather than pretension.

Woman’s Day Everyday ..!

Few might foolishly ask what’s Her role throughout the civilizations?! Well..,

Rome was not built in a day. We all know that!

But it was certainly not built without the influence & wisdom of women in political and financial affairs – despite being unable to vote!

Men are still not tired of subverting the role of Women!

Hypocrisy in celebrating only this day?! Yes!!

“Red stains on her attire grasps everybody’s attention, while,

Red stains on the wall of Temple does not!”

– Carrying a Lifeless mind?!

Is she treated equally?! Not a day!

“A rapist, a pervert, a molester, a murderer – Everybody is allowed inside a temple.

Except a woman on her PERIOD.

Her body is biologically equipped to naturally cleanse itself ! Yet she suffers Inequality of lifetime right?!

What’s the point of all this?!

She’s a “Wo-man” ?? That’s it ?!

NO! She’s not just a prefix in a man’s history.., she is always the more!

Well none of the quotes, stories, or articles can bring the real purpose of celebrating this day, unless and until, men start invigorating and understanding, what a universe a woman is in herself, and realizing, she equally deserves all the goodness and the grandeur men cherishes for themselves.
And off course – A woman to woman exchange, share of mutual respect, admiration and empathy would also help massively in the way, we as a civilization treat woman all across the globe.
Nonetheless, A Happy Woman’s day… to each and every one of you.., this day and everyday! 🙂

You are Indeed a Superhero… 🙂

Stay Strong, Stay Invincible ✨✨

Rescue Humanity With Love..! You can. You Always have. 🙂

Warm Regards.. 🙏 🙂


Note. This post was written on International Women’s Day 2019.

Image theme: A crown for Every Woman.

Image Courtesy:

Moments matter !

Immersing back into the ocean of love;

She asked,

Who is ‘She’ to him?!

He breathed-in;

Concealing the inflicting emotional wound,

looked into her stellar eyes and sincerely said,

“Moments..” !!

“Moments..”, moments of heartstrings;

Moments he always wanted to swathe in his arms.


The sumptuously beautiful She;

Emerging back from the grand journey of life,

And asks,

Who is ‘She’ to him?!

He joyously breathes-in,

With sparkling eyes and euphoric soul,

looks into her magnificent being, and wholeheartedly says,

“Moments and the spirit of life…”!!

Moments he wants to swathe in his entire being,

Make it a part of himself and forever shimmer in it’s beautiful reflections..!


Moments matter!

They Heal You. They Build You. 🙂



#StayMotivated. ✨✨😊

Warm regards.. 🙏😊

The Great Work!


They say your life is your masterpiece.

What if our reality is steadily becoming our dream?

They say Life is a succession of Battles.

What if the reality is only battles, devoid of successions?

They say We are stars wrapped in skins.

But why our skins take eternity to dazzle?!


May be cuz’ , we are always a great work in progress and the objectivity of The Great Work is to create, and one cannot create unless one destroys the old.

So Dear Heart, Mind and spirit, keep working, keep The Great work steady cuz’  Patience Is Genius!  🙂

P.s. Wearing my Muse-on socks 🙂 #Contemplating Life.


Stay Safe, Stay Spirited. #Always.

Rescue Humanity With Love❣️


And meanwhile,

See the plants, the birds, the ants, the spiders and the bees, all going about their individual task – everyday and thus keeping the world in order, as best as they can !

Can not we as humans put a bit of ourselves to Spread love.., And in the course Nurture Humanity.. ?!

We can! Right?! 🙃


Image: The Dice.  Source: Google.

Image Perspective: How about we see it as our integrity, commitment, the chances we take towards the great works of our lives?!


I look at her and smile, trying to un-puzzle the already known!

What makes her?! What makes a mother, a soul we can actually see through.. so pure, so full of love.. so untiringly an absolute giver!

Who’s she?! Whom we can imagine and fathom.. but can never trace the realm of her infinite Love!

Is She’s the Sun.. She’s the exuberant light?!

Is She’s the Love.. She’s the heartsome shine?!

Oh yes, She’s An epitome of every greatest kind.

I look at her and smile..

For i am the blessed and she’s the bliss of mine..

I love you Maa.. (:

You are my SuperMom.. My Superhero .. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day (:


Image courtesy: Google.